Ram Charan's Bollywood debut film Zanjeer is bearing the brunt of Samaikyandhra protesters. Angry with Mega Star Chiranjeevi who as Union Minister is supporting divison of Andhra Pradesh, protesters burnt the posters of Toofan which happen to be the telugu version of his son Ram Charan's Bollywood debut project Zanjeer. Film is releasing tomorrow. Sri Krishna Devaraya University JAC leader Sada Siva Reddy warned that they will not allow screening of Chiranjeevi's family films until Chiranjeevi respects their sentiments and resign from his post. He said if organisers try to screen even with police protection they will face severe backlash. The incident happened at Radhika Theater, Kadiri, Anantpur district. Even in Chittoor District theater owners from Tirupathi and Palamaneru expressed their helplessness in screening the film.

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