How To Get A Better Looking Body Within 6 Weeks? 
Though all of us wish to have a healthy and better looking body, many of us are reluctant to do regular exercise and dieting to achieve this goal. The craving for food while dieting and the pain and tiredness caused by physical exertion are the main factors which prevent people from achieving a healthy body. Sedentary lifestyle and wrong choice of foods are the main culprits in causing fat deposits in our body. If you have the determination to strategically work for achieving an awesome body, here are the steps. You will find this method easy to follow and you will not have to feel the hunger pangs. So, try this out and get a healthy and trim looking body within six weeks.

 Week 1: Prepare Your Body By DetoxificationTo get a better looking body you need to make some changes in your diet and lifestyle. You need to be prepared mentally and physically for the change. Just starting a new diet plan with a fine morning will not help you in the long run. You need to understand the changes required to achieve a better physical condition. Making sudden changes in your lifestyle is really challenging and most people face failure in achieving the goals. Before taking the diet plan or exercise regimes try to detoxify your body and adjust your home and surroundings in a way to support your plan. Here are the suggested steps for preparing yourself for having a healthy and better body.

Steps To Prepare For Better Body1. Day One- To prepare yourself for a better looking body, what you need to do is to remove all the unwanted temptations around you. Clean your cupboards and refrigerator of any pre- packaged food items that may tempt you while you are on a healthy diet. When you have tempting food items it may cause hindrance to your goals. 2. Day Two- If you want to detoxify your body, you need to maintain proper waste elimination from the body. To achieve proper elimination of waste, you have to drink enough water. Take 8-10 glasses of water to ensure that wastes are eliminated through urine. Water also helps in the easy elimination of wastes from the colon. Do not use laxatives to cleanse your colon. Instead you can have a fiber rich fruits and vegetables to cleanse the intestine. 3. Day Three- Stay away from food reminders. The commercials on television constantly remind us about all the fast foods and the main restaurants in the area. It is better to avoid watching such commercials as they can tempt people to consume junk foods, which will take you away from detoxification. 4. Day Four- If you want to achieve good looking body, you will definitely need a place to do your daily workouts. You can establish a convenient workout area by rearranging the furniture in your home or by cleaning up your garage. You will be able to do the workouts in the privacy of your home with the help of home workout videos available on the net. Choose a workout which is convenient to you as well as will be beneficial in achieving better body shape. 5. Day Five And Six- Once you are ready with the place to exercise and have removed all the junk foods, you can take a two day long juice fasting to completely detox your body. Having healthy and natural juices for two days will keep your digestive system clear of any toxins. You will get the necessary nutrients and minerals from this juice diet. This fasting will prepare your body for the healthy food diet which you are going to follow afterwards. 6. Day Seven- Get the necessary support from your family and friends. Your friends and family will be able to help you in achieving your goal quickly. Tell them about your plan to achieve better body and request their help to maintain your diet plan when you are with them. Avoid the company of the people who can give a bad influence on your diet control plan. By following the above steps, you will be ready to take major changes in your life and the transition between the earlier life and the new life will become smoother. You will be able to overcome the temptations and your body will be ready for what’s next on the plan. Week 2: Changing The Diet During the first week, you have made your body to adjust to the changes you are planning in the second week. During the detoxification, you have removed the food items which are not healthy from your home. If you want to get a healthy body you need to follow a healthy diet avoiding excess fat, carbohydrate and sugar and including more of fruits and vegetables. There are many diet programs available online which will help you to select the right food for weight reduction and for maintaining a healthy body.  

Suggested Steps For Changing The Diet1. Day One- Find out, which are the food items that will keep you healthy and which will help you to burn the excess fat or calories. Fill your refrigerator and cupboards with foods which will help you to move forward in achieving the goal. 2. Day Two- Try a fruit rich diet this day. You can try any fruits you need. There are fruits which are available in a particular season. If you want to achieve your goal in a faster and better way try to use fruits which are less in sugar and carbohydrates. Bananas and apples have high carbohydrate content. Watermelon, guava, strawberry, blueberry, pomegranate are better options. 3. Day Three – Try a vegetable rich diet this day. When you are selecting the vegetables avoid selecting potatoes, carrots, yam, beet-root which is rich in carbohydrate and sugar. Go for healthy veggies such as avocados, cucumbers, beans, capsicums, broccoli and other leafy vegetables. You can find various recipes using these vegetables from the Internet try out the recipes and get benefited. 4. Day Four- Avoid the use of sugar as this is one of the important content which adds calories to your diet. They are not very essential for our body and they get converted into fat and are stored in our body, if it is not burnt off in time. Reducing or avoiding the sugar intake helps in easy weight loss. You will feel that your body has become lighter when you avoid the calories from sugar. 5. Day Five- Reduce the consumption of grains. It is not advisable to avoid grains completely from your diet as carbohydrates are necessary for some of the body functions. The gluten or carbohydrates in them get converted to sugar and they a play role in increasing your blood sugar level as well as your body weight. Limiting the daily intake of carbohydrate also result in an effortless weight reduction. 6. Day Six- Avoid milk products. Most of the milk products such as butter, cheese, yoghurt contain fat in them. Though dairy products are a major source of calcium they also fatten up your body. If necessary use only low fat dairy products. You can get enough calcium for your body through the fruits and from the green leafy vegetables. 7. Day Seven- All the days through this week you were restricting yourself. You can enjoy your day by going to a restaurant which offers healthy food options. Go through the menu of the restaurant you are planning to visit and select a healthy menu for your treat. This will help you to have a nice time without getting bored of your home food and without causing any hindrance to your wellness plan.

 Week 3: Introducing The Exercise RegimeIf you are confident that you have control on your eating habits and choices, you can move on to becoming a more active person. Two weeks ago you might not have been able to think about doing any exercise. The detoxification week and the week with healthy foods should have made you a more energetic person than two weeks before. You can select any type of exercise you like so that you will be able to stick with it. You can change your exercise any time you want or you can combine different types of exercise. The important thing is that you are making your body move.

 Suggested Exercises1. Walking- This is one of the simplest exercises that anybody can adapt to their lifestyle. There is no need to do power walks to make your body feel better. You can start with walking and can slowly opt for other forms of exercises, if you wish. Power walking will help to burn calories faster. Start with at least 25 minutes of walking every day and slowly extend it to 45 minutes. If the climate is bad outside, you can opt for treadmills. 2. Swimming – This exercise also provides excellent shape to the body. This has high fat burning ability and is good for those who want to remove fat from thighs and belly. 3. Cycling- This is a good workout for the legs and your core. You can either opt for cycling in the outdoors or can opt for stationary bikes to get your exercise at home. Start with duration of 10- 15 minutes and slowly increase the time. 4. Yoga- This offers overall health. During this exercise you are stretching different parts of your body and this will improve the flexibility and mobility of the body. There are simple yoga postures for the beginners which can give great result for having a stunning body. Practice yoga with the help of a certified practitioner. The above said exercises help to improve the strength of the body and improve the working of the different organs in the body. While doing the exercise, make sure that the exercises keep your heart rate up. When you exercise you are increasing your metabolic rate this will help in ruining the calories in your food and avoiding fat deposits in the body.  

Week 4: Make The Changes A RoutineNow that you have made important changes in your diet, lifestyle etc, it is necessary to maintain the changes by making them a routine in your life. Your body has adjusted to the changes and maintaining the changes will not be a problem. To lead a healthy life and to have a better body, it is also important that you take your food on time and have proper rest.

 Suggested Routine For Better Body1. Go To Bed Early- Depriving the sleep can affect your health in a very bad way. Make sure that you get 7-8 hours of sleep every day. You will feel irritated and fail to concentrate on your work when you don’t have enough sleep at night. This can lead to high blood pressure and other anxiety problems later in life. 2. Wake Up Early- When you get up at a regular time in the morning, you will feel fresher. This will also give you enough time to exercise before you get ready for your work. 3. Do Not Skip Breakfast- Many people try to avoid their breakfast to reduce weight and to get into shape. This is a wrong thing to do. Your body will be similar to fasting conditions when you get up in the morning after the sleep. Depriving the food will affect the proper working of the brain. Eat healthy breakfast with cereals and fruits in the morning. 4. Eat Lunch On Time- Eating the right food on right time can avoid the hunger pangs and chances of overeating. Eat some healthy snacks such as fruits or nuts in between breakfast and lunch. Do not eat large filling meals at lunch. Eat enough food to satisfy your hunger. Your food should not make you sluggish in the afternoon. Always keep ¼ of your stomach empty to help in proper digestion of food. 5. Light Dinner- Always have a light dinner at least two hours before you go to bed so that by the time you hit the bed, most of the food you have eaten would have digested. When you are sleeping, digestion slows down and this will create health problems. Do not eat anything after your dinner and before going to bed. Relax yourself after dinner by listening to music or reading a book or having a chat with your family members. Practice this routine and you will feel that your body is showing the result of your efforts. You will be a lot lighter, energetic and active than when you started the plan.  

Week 5: Make The Right Connection Between Body And MindMost of the diet plans overlook the connection between the body and mind in achieving the goals in life. Your mind should support the activities of your body in achieving the perfect body. Find time to meditate and reflect on your life and the changes achieved by you after taking up the plan, during this week. This will make you a stronger person mentally and will help to bring out your hidden talents.  

Things To Do1. Meditation- Meditation is a way to shut you from the outside world and search within yourself. When you are meditating or simply sitting alone, you will be exploring your deeds and you will be using it for the betterment of your life. 2. De-Stress- Do not make any stress affect your daily life. You can find different methods to de-stress yourself. Physical activities such as martial arts, yoga and meditation are good way to de-stress the body. Having a hot bath or having a body massage is some other methods to de-stress. 3. Be In The Company Of Positive People- When you are in the company of positive people, you will be getting a positive energy from them, which will help to improve your confidence in facing the life. Apart from having a better body, you will be having a right mindset when you go through this week.

Week 6- Propelling The Life Forward After five weeks of your plan to achieve better body, you will be having light body, a better body shape, more energy and a broader outlook on life. Within these five weeks you have managed to get better eating habits and better routines that will keep your body in the best possible condition. All you have to do is to maintain it. Since you have achieved the goal in a steady way, you will not deviate from this routine very easily. If you feel that you are moving away from your routine take control of the situation and refresh the goals this will help you to remain on track. You will be freer to do things which were restricted by your health issues. You will have more confidence while interacting with people when you have a great looking body. Think of all the advantages and benefits, you are having when you have a better and healthier body every day and this will prevent you from deviating from your plans. Are you a person who has tried various methods for getting a better body? Are you looking for long lasting results in achieving the perfect body? Try out this six week plan for a better looking body and enjoy your life to the fullest.

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