Recently the Star Director S.S. Rajamouli tried to bring an elephant under his control. To achieve this feat he studied the behavior of the elephant for four continuous days. After four days of study only, he could take the elephant under control. Then Rajamouli mounted on its back. Rajamouli climbed on to the back of elephant by making his steps from the trunk of the elephant.
Similarly a few days back Rajamouli keenly studied the behaviour of EEGA for his film. He spent not only days but some months to study the behavior of house fly.
But when his close friends asked him which one is easy for him, whether to understand the Elephant or an EEGA. As per the reports from the close circle though the size of the elephant was enormous it was a bit easy to study the elephant. Though the size is so small, it was difficult to study the behavior of an eega and took lot of days for him to understand it.
But all this conversation has not gone in a serious manner. Its known that when his close friends are sharing the the lighter moments, this comparison and conversation took place.
Similarly a few days back Rajamouli keenly studied the behaviour of EEGA for his film. He spent not only days but some months to study the behavior of house fly.
But when his close friends asked him which one is easy for him, whether to understand the Elephant or an EEGA. As per the reports from the close circle though the size of the elephant was enormous it was a bit easy to study the elephant. Though the size is so small, it was difficult to study the behavior of an eega and took lot of days for him to understand it.
But all this conversation has not gone in a serious manner. Its known that when his close friends are sharing the the lighter moments, this comparison and conversation took place.
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