Actor Srikanth, who will be seen as Ram Charan's Babayi (uncle) in Krishna Vamsi's multi-starrer Govindudu Andari Vadele (tentatively titled), is now Angry Man. What's buzz is that this movie is a kids film as it boasts a lot of children in the film. Although the title of the film is Angry Man, the makers of the film promising that the film is a tailor-made for kids to watch the film in Summer holidays.
The plot of the movie goes like this: How an 'Angry Man' reacts when he has to spend his holidays with kids. Newcomer J. Srinivas is directing and producing the film. Punjabi kudi Sonia Man debuts into Tollywood with this film. The plot might sound strange and may raise doubts, yet we should not be prejudice. Let's wait and watch till Summer.
The plot of the movie goes like this: How an 'Angry Man' reacts when he has to spend his holidays with kids. Newcomer J. Srinivas is directing and producing the film. Punjabi kudi Sonia Man debuts into Tollywood with this film. The plot might sound strange and may raise doubts, yet we should not be prejudice. Let's wait and watch till Summer.
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