It has been a while since veteran director Krishna Vamsi made a decent film. His last impressive film was Chandamama, which did average business at the box office. Gone were the days when star heroes eagerly waited for a chance to act under his direction. Ram Charan chose to do a film with him at this point and we have to wait for few more months to see if he has made a right decision or not?
Before that Krishna Vamsi's Paisa is arriving and we will get to know if the director found any of his lost charm or not. Paisa result will surely reflect on Ram Charan's movie business. Craze and business range of any movie is dependent upon the combination of star and the director now.
If Krishna Vamsi can pull off a decent success with Paisa, then the craze of Ram Charan's movie will go up and people will start to build expectations on it. Or else Ram Charan's crowd pulling capacity will be put to test yet again. All his recent movies released with ultra low expectations and fought against all the odds to conquer the box office.
Before that Krishna Vamsi's Paisa is arriving and we will get to know if the director found any of his lost charm or not. Paisa result will surely reflect on Ram Charan's movie business. Craze and business range of any movie is dependent upon the combination of star and the director now.
If Krishna Vamsi can pull off a decent success with Paisa, then the craze of Ram Charan's movie will go up and people will start to build expectations on it. Or else Ram Charan's crowd pulling capacity will be put to test yet again. All his recent movies released with ultra low expectations and fought against all the odds to conquer the box office.
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